Frequently asked questions.


What sets Drone Genius apart from other drone service providers?

We hold our aerial footage to the highest Hollywood standards, employing true cinematographers who geek out on perfecting white balance, ND filters, and obeying the 180-degree shutter angle rule. Our pilots have over a decade of experience and are capable of executing complex, high-action scenes that many other operators can't handle. Plus, we use top-of-the-line gear ranging from the DJI Mavic 3 Cine to the Inspire 3, or even a heavy-lift drone when necessary.

How quickly can you get authorization for flights?

We use the LAANC system for instant FAA authorizations. For sensitive projects near "0" areas like airports or for flying above 400 feet in Class B airspace, we obtain the necessary special authorizations.

How do you ensure safety and compliance?

Safety and compliance are our top priorities. All our flights are fully compliant with FAA regulations and backed by a robust $5 million insurance policy. We never fly directly over people and have a well-defined, well-lit takeoff and landing zone. Prior to any flight, we conduct a safety meeting with the whole crew to go over protocols.

What does "Dual Operator" mean?

In our larger setups like the DJI Inspire 3, a dual-operator system is utilized. One operator is responsible for piloting the drone, while the second operator controls the camera gimbal and adjusts camera settings. This allows for more precise and complex shots, offering a higher level of control and creative freedom.

What's your rescheduling and cancellation policy?

Clients need to reschedule 48 hours in advance. Within 48 hours, a 50% labor rate is forfeited; within 24 hours, it's 100%. We understand the need for flexibility, but if we lose a day we could have otherwise booked, a fee is involved.

Do you offer editing services?

While we hand off footage 90% of the time, we also offer editing services tailored to the project's needs.

What big names have you worked with?

We've had the pleasure of working with major broadcasters, T-Mobile, SpaceX, Britta, Nissan, HBO Latin, Raymarine, Rolling Loud Music Festival, Verizon, Dior, and Art Basel, among others.

Can the client design their own shots?

Absolutely, if you have a shot in mind and it's physically possible, we can make it happen.

What is an FPV Drone?

FPV stands for First Person View. In FPV flying, the pilot wears specialized goggles to receive a live video feed from the drone, creating a fully immersive flying experience. This enables the pilot to fly through tight gaps and execute acrobatic maneuvers with a high degree of precision, ideal for dynamic and high-action cinematography.